
Ronak Borana -July 12, 2018

Common sense, science, and even economics — all dictate that India should scrap Section 377 The first thing that caught my attention when I read Section 377 was the phrase “against the order of nature”. I had heard this before — that homosexuality is not natural. If this line of argument is to be believed, […]


Ronak Borana -May 31, 2018

Indians need to stop glorifying the past and work towards a better future by embracing science ‘No one saw an ape turn into a man’, claimed Satyapal Singh, HRD Minister of State, while commenting on Darwinian evolution. Moreover, our country’s Science & Technology Minister himself made a comment claiming that Stephen Hawking considered theories of […]


Patriot Bureau -March 2, 2018

Nationalism is as useful to humans as their tail Nationalism is an unaccommodating relic and in today’s globalised world it represents a dangerous anachronism. There is nothing constructive that Nationalism can achieve in peacetime that Patriotism can’t. Nationalism is as useful to humans as their tail. Problem comes when the tail wags. As it did […]
