7 fascinating animals that have gone extinct


A flightless bird native to Mauritius, extinct by the late 17th century due to hunting and habitat destruction.

Woolly Mammoth

Large, elephant-like creatures that went extinct around 4,000 years ago, likely due to climate change and hunting.

Tasmanian Tiger

A carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and Tasmania, declared extinct in the 20th century.

An oddly cute, long-Once abundant in North America, this bird became extinct in 1914 due to excessive hunting.nosed nocturnal creature with floppy ears.

Passenger Pigeon

A large marine mammal hunted to extinction by the late 18th century.

Steller's Sea Cow

A flightless bird from the North Atlantic, extinct by the mid-19th century due to overhunting.

Great Auk

A subspecies of the plains zebra, extinct by the late 19th century from excessive hunting.
