A Delhi court on Wednesday placed six individuals, arrested in connection with the drowning deaths of three civil services aspirants at a coaching centre basement in Old Rajinder Nagar, into 14-day judicial custody.
Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Nishant Garg ordered that Abhishek Gupta, Deshpal Singh, Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh, Sarabjit Singh, and Parvinder Singh remain in custody until September 18.
This decision followed an application by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) requesting judicial custody for the suspects.
The accused were brought before the court after their four-day CBI custody ended.
Also Read: Delhi coaching centre deaths: UPSC aspirants sent two complaints before the incident, to no avail
The CBI informed the court that further custodial interrogation was unnecessary.
The agency has charged the suspects with several alleged offences, including criminal negligence, dereliction of duties, and corrupt practices by individuals, including local authority officials. (With inputs from PTI)
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