The Delhi Jal Board has announced that there will be a disruption in water supply in various regions, including Rohini, from Wednesday to Thursday. This interruption is scheduled to facilitate the interconnection of the water main at the Keshopur drain and the Peeragarhi Chowk.
Residents in the affected areas, such as Rohini Sector-7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 22, 23, and 25, Madhuban Chowk, Mangolpuri, Sultanpuri, Paschim Vihar, Major Bhupender Singh Nagar, Mahavir Nagar, Krishna Park, Janakpuri, and their adjoining areas, are advised to store an adequate amount of water for their needs. The water supply in these colonies/areas will either be unavailable or at low pressure from the evening of November 29 to the morning of November 30.
“WATER ALERT : Due to shut down for interconnection of water main at Keshopur drain and Peeragarhi Chowk, the water supply in the following colonies/areas will not be available/will be available at low pressure from the evening of 29.11.2023 to morning 30.11.2023,” the tweet, posted from the official handle of the Delhi Jal Board, read.
To mitigate the inconvenience, the Delhi Jal Board has arranged for water tankers, which will be available on request. The shutdown for interconnection at Keshopur drain and Peeragarhi Chowk (Rohtak Road) is scheduled to take place from 10 am to 10 pm on November 29. Residents are encouraged to plan accordingly and make use of the provided water tanker services during this period.
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