
A question of students’ future

A question of students’ future

Those who want exams postponed have valid reasons to protest the schedules put out by testing authorities -- but so…

August 28, 2020

​ ​The Diabetic Chef

A prodigious entrepreneur, 23-year-old Harsh Kedia, taught himself to lead a quality life despite diabetes and is now helping thousands…

August 22, 2020

Jobs lost as fabric of a lucrative industry is torn

The garment industry, mostly geared to exports to the West, has laid off most of its employees. They now face…

August 22, 2020

Contagion demystified

This timely book by an epidemiologist gives fascinating insights into how things spread -- not just viruses but ideas and…

August 24, 2020

Policy or fantasy?

The NEP 2020 aims to restructure the school education system by extending it to children under six For the Indian…

August 26, 2020

Wishful thinking

Beyond jargon and keywords, what is the NEP 2020 and why do we need it? This National Education Policy envisions…

August 26, 2020

Hindi through the backdoor

The NEP seeks to promote Hindi and vernacular languages at a time when English is the aspirational language of the…

August 8, 2020

Curtains down

Stage performers across West Bengal are facing a severe shortage of funds as shows have come to a halt during…

August 2, 2020

Adversity as opportunity

The pandemic has posed an existential crisis for Indian metal and rock music. Artists have withdrawn, spending the time to…

August 4, 2020

Online exams a failure

Delhi University’s online mock exams are a disaster, students claim In June, Delhi University announced open book online exams for…

July 22, 2020