
Out at 100, cricket’s grand old man no more

Out at 100, cricket’s grand old man no more

Patriot pays tribute to the life and times of India’s oldest first-class cricketer Vasant Rai, who breathed his last on…

June 19, 2020

It’s a contact sport and it’s back to the pitch

Ahead of the return of the English Premier League on June 17 after the Covid-19 break, Patriot analyses what the…

June 12, 2020

Farewell, hockey legend

Triple Olympic gold medallist and hockey legend Balbir Singh Sr breathed his last on 25 May at Mohali. Patriot looks…

May 29, 2020

Sportsmen struggle to keep heads above water

Coronavirus has brought sports to a halt severely impacting the livelihood of all sportspersons Coronavirus has brought life as we…

May 20, 2020

Coronavirus grips sports

Patriot lists the players in different sports around the globe who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 so far  The novel…

April 3, 2020

Football in doldrums

The Coronavirus outbreak has suspended all footballing leagues in Europe as of now. Patriot discusses the ramifications of this total…

March 27, 2020

City in shambles

Patriot discusses the reasons and implications of Manchester City’s two-year debarment from Champions League by the UEFA IN AN unexpected…

March 16, 2020

Corona’s knock-out punch

Like all other fields, sports too have been affected by the global pandemic COVID-19, in a big way. Patriot highlights…

March 16, 2020

From curfew to competition

Kabra Altaf, the young athlete from Kashmir, fought more than her opponents to secure a bronze medal in judo during…

March 6, 2020

Youngsters dominating the ring

In the fourth and final story in the series on India’s young sportsperson, Patriot takes a look at the future…

March 2, 2020