air pollution

Mitigation of pollution still elusive in NCR

Mitigation of pollution still elusive in NCR

An ordinance to fight smoke from areas adjoining Delhi may have some impact but it needs political will Like every…

November 6, 2020

NO2 and SO2 from thermal power plants poisoning Delhi’s air

Delhi’s thermal power plants are emitting sulphur dioxide at very high levels, adding to the winter-time pollutants shutting out the…

October 14, 2020

Decomposition solution

With a change in temperature, the problem of Delhi’s infamous winter smog looms on the horizon with citizens and government…

October 8, 2020

Masking health hazards

Delhi’s air pollution level is on an all-time high and people are resorting to anti-pollution accessories to keep themselves safe.…

November 13, 2018

Firecrackers Ban

The new ruling by the Supreme Court against the complete ban on firecrackers, has been greeted with outrage or relief…

October 25, 2018

If winter comes…

…Can smog be far behind? If the government doesn’t take comprehensive measures, the sky will again be blotted out by…

October 25, 2018