fee hike

‘Attendance norms arbitrary’, ‘way for colleges to earn money’, say students‘Attendance norms arbitrary’, ‘way for colleges to earn money’, say students

‘Attendance norms arbitrary’, ‘way for colleges to earn money’, say students

Students from across the country say rigid attendance policies fail to accommodate personal hardships and changing circumstances

September 24, 2024
Compromise reached on IIT Delhi fee hikeCompromise reached on IIT Delhi fee hike

Compromise reached on IIT Delhi fee hike

After two days of fierce protest at the Delhi IIT, the administration has finally conceded to the students' demands and…

September 5, 2022
IIT Delhi: Administration responds to fee hike protests as President plans to visit the institutionIIT Delhi: Administration responds to fee hike protests as President plans to visit the institution

IIT Delhi: Administration responds to fee hike protests as President plans to visit the institution

Riddled with constant fee hikes with no increase in stipends, students at Delhi IIT resort to protest, demanding a reasonable…

September 2, 2022
Traders in north and east Delhi demand the fee hike to be rolled backTraders in north and east Delhi demand the fee hike to be rolled back

Traders in north and east Delhi demand the fee hike to be rolled back

Following the update by Municipal Corporation of Delhi regarding health trade licence, traders in east and north Delhi demand the…

July 13, 2022