Streaming checkmates Streaming checkmates 

Streaming checkmates

Amidst a pandemic that had people confined to their homes, the popularity of online chess streaming with the added twist…

January 28, 2021
Game on! Mobile gaming gaining on dedicated gaming consolesGame on! Mobile gaming gaining on dedicated gaming consoles

Game on! Mobile gaming gaining on dedicated gaming consoles

Mobile gaming has come a long way, and is now one of the most popular gaming modes in the country,…

December 9, 2020
FAU-G has a tough game aheadFAU-G has a tough game ahead

FAU-G has a tough game ahead

With the ban on the popular online multiplayer game PUBG taking effect and the teaser for the homegrown FAU-G being…

November 3, 2020


Indian Federation of Sports Gaming (IFSG) brought the online gaming fraternity together to brainstorm on the future of fantasy sports…

April 24, 2018