Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Shamshera will be allowed to stream on OTT platforms subject to Yash Raj Films depositing Rs one crore with its registry, the Delhi HC stated earlier today. An infringement lawsuit was filed by the plaintiff Bikramjeet Singh Bhullar of his copyright in the literary work ‘Kabu na chhadein khet’ against the filmmakers, thus opposing the elease of the film on OTT platforms.
In the order dated August 18, Justice Jyoti Singh noted that the film was released in theaters last month and was scheduled to be released on OTT platforms on Friday. “To balance the equities between the parties, it would be appropriate to allow the release of the film on OTT platforms subject to the deposit of Rs one crore by August 22. If the money is not deposited in time, there shall be an injunction on the further telecast of the film on OTT Platforms with effect from August 23”, the court stated.
The court further clarified that the deposit amount is only to balance the equities and is without prejudice to the rights and contentions of the parties involved.
The filmmakers requested the court to allow the release of the film on OTT platforms, saying that they had contractual obligations qua third parties which would be in breach. The filmmakers also added that the plaintiff can be compensated with money later as well, provided he wins the lawsuit, but delaying the release on OTT platforms would cause irreparable damage to the filmmakers.
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