According to the police, Arun Kumar, a 38-year-old Wazirabad resident, was found dead on Monday at Gandhi Vihar, Timarpur, close to the Tara chowk. There were no clear injury marks on the body but there was blood, said Sagar Singh Kalsi, Deputy Commissioner of Police (North).
The father of the victim informed the police that he last saw his son on Sunday night with Bondha, one of his friends. After going through the CCTV footage and a detailed quizzing of Bondha, it became clear that the victim was last seen with Sunny and Sachin, Kalsi said.
During interrogation, the duo confessed to killing Kumar, police said. A motorcycle used in the commission of the crime was also seized from Sachin’s possession.
Sachin told police that around four-five months ago, he had a quarrel with Kumar while consuming liquor and in the commotion, he had sustained minor injuries on his head. He had developed a grudge against Kumar and to take revenge, he killed him with the help of one of his accomplices,” Kalsi said.
On Tuesday, a case was filed under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 365 (kidnapping or abduction with intent to secretly and wrongfully confine person), 302 (murder), 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence or giving false information to screen offender), and 34 (common intention) at the Wazirabad police station.
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