
Mohd Shehwaaz Khan -July 27, 2022

A traditional sport whose origin finds a mention in age-old folklore, cockfighting is a game that garners equal criticism and fascination. Patriot interacts with those involved in the sport, as the game thrives despite its contested legality


Tanisha Saxena -July 23, 2022

Pottery attracts people irrespective of their age or background. Apart from its therapeutic capabilities, the activity gives a sense of uniqueness. Patriot talks with Delhiites involved with the artform to understand their perspectives


Rohan Chauhan and Ali Fraz Rezvi -July 22, 2022

Once a flourishing business that helped people hold on to memorable moments longer, the photo studios of Delhi are now dormant, have moved on to other businesses, or are on the verge of pulling their shutters down forever


Mohd Shehwaaz Khan -July 19, 2022

A folk sport, that continues its legacy since the Mughal times, still fascinates the national capital. Despite changing circumstances, the tradition thrives on. Patriot speaks with kabootarbaaz in Delhi to understand their love and dedication for the sport


Judith Mariya Antony -June 26, 2022

Tucked away in corners of Delhi, away from the public eye, are leprosy ashrams and colonies to accommodate those who suffer from this disfiguring disease. They struggle to live a normal life, finding comfort among their own kind but not accepted by society


Judith Mariya Antony -June 16, 2022

The recent death of a 16-year-old girl cycling to school has once again stirred up concern over the safety of cyclists on Delhi roads. This isn’t an isolated incident: on 31 March, cyclist Kunwar Arora was run over by an army truck at Sardar Patel Marg


Ali Fraz Rezvi -June 15, 2022

With its first event titled ‘Ba-Yaad e Ijteba Rizvi’ and held on 2 October 2021, started what is arguably the most recent literary movement in Delhi – the Doha Movement. It aims at reviving the lost art of Doha writing- a classical form of self-contained rhyming couplet used by poets like Kabir, Rahim, Tulsidas and others


Udisha Srivastav -May 27, 2022

One of the long-term effects of the Covid pandemic has been the ballooning of the freelance community. Now that offices are asking staff to come back to the workplace, those who joined the gig economy state that they are better off being self-employed
