
-April 10, 2024

Every animal inside the zoo, from the white tiger to the elephant, is receiving personalised treatment to ward off the heat


-March 3, 2024

Animal activist Manavi Rai, who quit her job to focus on helping animals, says people adopt foreign breeds only to abandon them later; wants people to go for desi breeds


-February 13, 2024

The artwork possesses a multitude of qualities that surpass mere aesthetic charm and fragility. The playful nature, satirical elements, and thoughtful creativity all work together to captivate and involve the observer


-September 13, 2023

The petitioner underscored that the ABC Rules specify that captured dogs must be promptly identified with numbered collars


-June 6, 2023

Rising temperatures impact not just humans but also animals and birds. However, awareness about it is less, say experts


-January 13, 2023

Pratima Devi, who ran a tea stall and ran a dog shelter with help from good Samaritans, has been rendered homeless after her shanty and dog shelter were demolished by the municipal corporation


-August 9, 2022

The advanced care facility will provide healthcare to 150-200 animals daily


-March 3, 2021

Tina Antoniades with the support of locals took care of the dozens of dying stray dogs during the pandemic months, in the process, creating civic awareness. A model to replicate…. The pandemic was a crisis for all of us in some measure, in these trying times  there were some who spent their time with compassion […]
