child labour

-August 8, 2023

During her ordeal, the girl disclosed that the household where she served as domestic help comprised four members. She alleged that the wife of the house owner verbally abused her


-July 27, 2023

Specialists and activists proposed several measures to address the issue of child labour effectively in a symposium convened by the National Action and Coordination Group (NACG)


-July 26, 2023

The plight of a 10-year-old girl, who was forced to work as a househelp and abused by a couple in Dwarka, yet again points at the malaise of child labour in Delhi


-June 12, 2023

While cities around the world observe 21th world day against child labour this week, the practice continues unabated in the capital; child labourers and those tasked with rescuing them reveal how laws continued to be violated


-February 3, 2023

The high court’s order came on the plea by NGO Bachpan Bachao Andolan which had filed a petition in the aftermath of a tragedy in which over 40 persons, including several minors, lost their lives in December 2019 when a fire broke out at a factory in Anaj Mandi


-November 14, 2021

On this Children’s Day, here’s taking a look at the never-ending horrors of child labour in the Capital — and how some children have battled it out to create a future of worth   It may be over 10 years since, but Imtiyaz Ali remembers everything about those two months he spent as a child […]


-August 23, 2018

All those pretty little sequins and buttons on the garments you buy may have been sowed on by nimble-fingered children living right in the heart of Delhi We often hear about the garment sector and its abuse of its workforce — extremely low wages, long working hours, coupled with less than humane working conditions. This […]
