
-September 13, 2018

The arbitrary application of visa rules in India raises questions on exactly who is being filtered It was a smooth journey from Adelaide to Bangalore on July 31. Apart from some confusion at check-in over how to process the details of my once-used, multiple-entry tourist visa to India, my transit in Singapore was tranquil and […]


-July 26, 2018

A young European man residing in Delhi expects us to be non-judgemental about the choices he makes. His quest unto self involves making others happy He best one-word description for John (name changed on request) is drifter. An English-speaking European in his late twenties, John works for a private organisation, and has been living in […]


-May 18, 2018

Foreign women married to Indians have gone native, not only enjoying the life the capital brings but also giving back to the society into which they have fully assimilated Early morning, if you see a British lady out for her morning run, collecting garbage along the way — all in a bid to keep Delhi […]


-May 17, 2018

Pupps Roy is popular in the expat party scene in the capital. He has chalked out a radically different life that makes him endearing to his friends Pupps Roy is such a sensation. He’s a popular figure amongst the party crowd of expats in the city. His arrival is anticipated with bated breath at rooftop […]


-May 10, 2018

This is a rare story of the struggle and triumph of a Nigerian in the city of Delhi, which has its racist moments but is slowly developing a cosmopolitan outlook Ola Jason looks dapper in a blue cotton suit; an impressive printed shirt defines his muscular torso. He hangs his coat meticulously on the back […]


-April 25, 2018

Foreigners are willing to pay a handsome price to learn Hindi, not always out of the love for the language You don’t have to be a nationalist of the RSS kind to realise that the world is taking a growing interest in India and its culture, as a stable market with promising economic prospects. One […]
