24 MCD school students admitted to hospital after suspected gas leak in Naraina

- August 11, 2023
| By : Patriot Bureau |

Nineteen students were rushed to the RML Hospital while the rest nine were sent to the Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital

Twenty-four students from a municipal school situated in the Naraina area of Delhi were taken ill on Friday as a result of an alleged gas leak incident nearby, according to official reports.

Reportedly, nineteen of the affected students were swiftly transported to the prominent RML Hospital, while the remaining nine were sent to Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital, a senior medical facility operated by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, senior hospital official in a statement said.

The students’ sudden health deterioration is believed to be linked to a gas leak event in close proximity to the school premises. However, reassuringly, the official statement asserts that all the students are currently in stable condition and are under the vigilant care of medical professionals at the two respective hospitals.

Officials from the civic health department promptly responded to the situation by mobilizing to the RML Hospital and Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital. In addition to their presence at the hospitals, officials also visited the affected school premises. The education department of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi is also actively involved in addressing the situation.

“We are committed to conducting a thorough investigation into the root cause of this incident from our end as well,” the official further stated, emphasizing the seriousness with which the authorities are approaching the incident.

As the affected students continue to receive medical attention and concerned authorities work to uncover the precise cause of the gas leak, the incident serves as a reminder of the critical importance of maintaining safety measures around educational institutions and the urgent need for swift and efficient emergency response protocols. (With inputs from PTI)