Delhi govt to provide free training to forest and wildlife conservation enthusiasts

- April 6, 2023
| By : Patriot Bureau |

An internship programme will also be launched to involve the youth in the protection and rejuvenation of green spaces in Delhi

Delhi Government to provide free forest and wildlife conservation training to the public, with a plan to set up a forest training institute in collaboration with the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Combating Climate Change. The program aims to share knowledge with the general public to boost conservation efforts in the national capital.

The Forest and Wildlife department has already established a four-member training cell, and a website is being created to accept applications. The training program will be flexible and cover all forest and biodiversity laws and conservation activities. The larger objective is to involve the general public in giving a boost to forest and wildlife conservation efforts in Delhi.

According to the department, a forest training institute is urgently required to train people to create “green jobs” such as wildlife biologists, nature guides, plantation managers, tree doctors, arborists and gardeners. The institute will also upgrade the skills of forest staff and train new recruits.

“We want to create green jobs for the youth of Delhi and also train and upgrade the skills of our forest staff,” said a Forest and Wildlife department official. “We will also conduct training classes for development and enforcement agencies for the effective implementation of various laws such as the Indian Forest Act, Forest Conservation Act and the Wildlife Protection Act, among others.”

An internship programme will also be launched to involve the youth in the protection and rejuvenation of green spaces in Delhi. “We believe that the youth of Delhi have a great role to play in protecting and rejuvenating the green spaces of our city,” said the official.

The programme has received positive feedback from experts and the public alike. “This is a great initiative by the Delhi Government to involve the public in conservation efforts,” said Dr. Ramesh Kumar, a wildlife biologist. “It will not only create green jobs but also raise awareness about the importance of preserving our forests and wildlife.”

The Delhi government’s move towards conservation is being hailed as a positive step towards creating a sustainable future for the city. “It’s heartening to see the Delhi government take such proactive measures towards conservation,” said environmentalist Naina Singh. “We need to work together to protect our environment and create a greener future for our children.” (With inputs from PTI)