bonded labour

-July 5, 2018

Entire families are kept captive for years to pay off a small debt they incur — and this story continues in 21st century Madhya Pradesh Mukesh is 32 years old. He walks around with an obvious burden, and his face, even with a smile, shows a life led with hardship. When you speak with him, […]


-May 24, 2018

Importance of the release certificate upon being rescued from bonded labour is exemplified by the impact it has had on this family’s living Bina Manjhi is among the lucky few to receive their Release Certificates (RCs) after being rescued from bonded labour. This critical document also enables her to receive R20,000 of the initial rehabilitation […]


-May 20, 2018

They have been freed from bondage but the administration is in no hurry to give them the release certificates that would free them of debt and get them back on their feet There are approximately 18 million people in India living and working without freedom of movement, abused, and on miserably low wage. The 81 […]
