Farmer protests

-March 20, 2023

Thousands of farmers, who gathered at the Ramlila Maidan demanding government fulfils the promises it made, say they may continue a long sit-in


-February 3, 2021

A glimpse into the farmer’s protest that despite the barbed wires, nails and a wall of security personnel refuses to die   There may be concrete barricades and concertina wire to stop movement, but farmers at Ghazipur border are not giving up. After numbers started to dwindle on January 26 a cry for support by […]


-December 22, 2020

From boycotting  broadcast media to creating a digital front for the protests, to publishing a newsletter, farmer’s agitation on the borders of Delhi have brought out the tech-savvy side of protesting farm community  Farmers have been protesting on the borders of the National Capital since 26 November, and even though they may not have achieved […]


-December 8, 2020

Farmers from faraway states like Tamil Nadu are making their way to Delhi carrying their own sense of grievance against the government As farmers’ protest against farm reform laws continue, a steady trickle of farmers from southern states are joining the protesting farmers in Delhi. On 6 December, a group of farmers from Tamil Nadu […]


The visuals of barricaded roads, water cannons, tear gas and online debates show Delhi under siege but behind the scenes, talks are going on that seem likely to lead to an impasse Farmers’ protests against three bills — The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 (FAPAFS), the Farmers […]
