india art fair

-February 9, 2024

Explore the dichotomies of the benevolent homemaker’s world through Bhatia’s captivating installations where mundane choreography transforms into profound artistic expression at the India Art Fair parallel show


-February 8, 2024

From repurposed bags, hearing-impaired artist Janhavi Khemka’s ‘Letter to her mother’ to Gigi Scaria’s ‘elevator’, the IAF 2024 was an ode to internal dialogues


-February 20, 2023

India Art Fair this year was an inclusive space that featured artists from different backgrounds and social spheres. The robust sales and the presence of international collectors and visitors made it greater than ever


-April 27, 2022

In line with the new trend of inclusiveness brought about by the distress of artists during the pandemic, the India Art Fair gives a chance to lesser known artists and those from marginalised communities a chance to be featured along with the bigwigs of the art world
