Okhla Bird Sanctuary

-June 11, 2024

The number of birds and species drop by half over the last four years; violations of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 blamed for it


-December 24, 2022

The delay in the onset of winter has pushed the arrival of migratory birds, seen here during this time of the year, to January


-June 11, 2022

As summer days in Delhi become unbearable for many, people have started visiting popular ‘cool’ spots like parks, and even the Delhi Metro, to beat the scorching heat


-April 18, 2022

In the rapidly growing Noida, lies a green spot of solitude for nature and wildlife enthusiasts, where one can discover several joyful, chirpy birds.


-June 23, 2021

Paradoxically, a populated and polluted Delhi supports a healthy diverse birdlife.  A study reveals Delhi’s ponds are the most biodiverse of any urban ponds anywhere in the world  Delhi supports a diverse birdlife that only one other city in the world can match—that’s Nairobi. It’s a bit of a puzzle, how come one of the […]
