petrol prices

-July 15, 2024

The closure call of Pollution Under Control Centres (PUCC) by the Delhi Petrol Dealers’ Association (DPDA) comes following the Delhi government’s proposed hike in pollution certificate charges.


-March 4, 2021

As fuel prices skyrocket in India, truckers coming into the Capital city tell Patriot they are especially feeling the pinch When Covid-19 pandemic broke out in 2020, it resulted in a worldwide lockdown pushing the price of crude oil down. Now with vaccines to fight Covid, things are looking up, and so is the demand […]


-September 20, 2018

Is the petroleum minister misleading the nation on oil taxes? Less than six per cent of excise duty collected on petroleum products has gone towards repaying oil bonds A major reason for the high price of petrol and diesel is the increase in the excise duty collected per litre by the central government, on petrol […]


-September 13, 2018

Here’s why petrol and diesel are more expensive now than in May 2014 Narendra Modi was sworn in as the prime minister of India on May 2014. The price of the Indian basket of crude oil averaged at $106.85 during the course of the month. Soon after, the price of oil started to fall. It […]


-May 31, 2018

It is unfair of the government to use gains from a decline in purchase prices of oil to repair its fiscal shortcomings instead of passing the gains to end-consumers Petrol prices in India have increased by 15 per cent in the past 12 months, and 23 per cent in the past five years. Politicians don’t […]
