
-February 19, 2024

Regarding smog towers, the scientist suggests that while they can remove some pollution, they are not effective on a large scale. He compares their impact to trying to dry a river with a bath towel


-November 26, 2023

The current air quality situation reflects a concerning trend, underscoring the need for sustained efforts to combat air pollution in the region


-November 26, 2023

The data utilized for the analysis is extracted from the environmental status reports of these plants, available on the website of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), a technical arm of the Union Ministry of Power, covering the period from April 2022 to August 2023


-November 18, 2023

The GRAP-4 restrictions, which barred the entry of polluting vehicles from other states, mandated work from home for 50% employees and barred offline classes for primary school children, had came into effect on November 5


-November 16, 2023

Nestled within a few hours’ reach from Delhi are quiet retreats, where the air is cleaner, and the landscapes are soothing


-November 3, 2023

Visitors don’t want to risk any illness ahead of a match against Sri Lanka, where they will play only for pride


-November 2, 2023

The study conducted in Delhi and Chennai found that inhaling air with high amounts of fine pollution particles (PM2.5) — 30 times thinner than a strand of hair — led to high blood sugar levels and increased type-2 diabetes incidence.


-November 1, 2023

This measure is aimed at addressing air pollution caused by diesel-powered buses in the region, with the overarching goal of transitioning to electric vehicles
