
-July 11, 2023

According to officials, nearly 7,500 people have been evacuated and shifted to camps so far by the Delhi government; in many places people have themselves erected tents on the higher grounds and shifted to them to avoid rising waters


-July 9, 2023

Additionally, he has instructed Delhi Cabinet ministers and Mayor Shelly Oberoi to personally assess the areas affected by the rain-induced problems in the city


-July 5, 2023

The India Meteorological Department said cloudy weather and occasional showers are likely over the next six to seven days


-May 9, 2023

In contrast to April this year, the peak power demand was higher on all the corresponding days in 2022, with a difference of up to 37 per cent


-September 28, 2022

A swollen Yamuna flooded low-lying areas along the riverbanks in Delhi on Tuesday, prompting authorities to evacuate around 6,500 people and suspend rail traffic movement on the Old Yamuna Bridge


-September 21, 2022

A few areas in west, central, north, northwest, south and southeast Delhi recorded light to moderate rainfall


-August 29, 2022

The minimum temperature was recorded at 26.9 degrees Celsius, normal for this time of the year. The relative humidity at 8.30 am was 75 per cent.


-August 22, 2022

Even as the state is reeling under flood fury and the tremendous task of evacuating lakhs of people, the weather department has alerted more rains in the next few days in Odisha.
