
-October 26, 2021

  With Delhi ranking in the top 20 cities with the most cameras in the world, does it translate to lower crime rates? And how does it affect privacy? Patriot takes a look  When talking about mass surveillance using an endless number of CCTV cameras with facial recognition software, the names of countries like China […]


-October 4, 2018

Given the ever-rising crime rates in Delhi, is all round 24X7 surveillance something that is on the books for the capital city? “I have watched at least a dozen people accuse someone random for picking their pocket. But of course, there is no way to verify that, because most of these cameras that are set […]


-July 19, 2018

Delhi Police’s solution to rumour mongering via social media is to deploy Cyber Forensic Vans that can scan a suspect’s digital devices, social media and messaging platforms. The last few months have seen a disturbing trend in India — of mob violence growing exponentially. July 13, a man was lynched by a mob of at […]


-July 19, 2018

Delhi Police’s solution to rumour mongering via social media is to deploy Cyber Forensic Vans that can scan a suspect’s digital devices, social media and messaging platforms. The last few months have seen a disturbing trend in India — of mob violence growing exponentially. July 13, a man was lynched by a mob of at […]
