Posts by: Saurav Gupta

With nearly five years of experience as a journalist, I have written extensively on developmental issues, policies, health and schemes of the government agencies across print and digital platforms. I have completed my BAJMC from IP university.

Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

While posh New Delhi constituency witnessed the lowest count of voters at 51.54%, poverty-stricken North east Delhi recorded highest turnout with 58.30%


Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

Hailing from diverse backgrounds, residents point to lack of basic facilities for the growing population


Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

The special booths with facilities and decoration offer respite to female voters who don’t have to queue up and jostle with male voters


Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

Battling heatwave, Delhi’s voters find relief at polling stations equipped with shade tents, cold water, and medical assistance, thanks to proactive measures by the Election Commission


Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

Persons with Disabilities exercise their franchise for more friendly roads and infrastructure; some upset with insufficient facilities at the polling booths


Saurav Gupta -May 25, 2024

Residents worried about lack of parking space, increasing incidents of crime and water shortage


Saurav Gupta -May 24, 2024

The constituency, comprising the elite Lutyens’ Delhi and affluent GK and Patel Nagar alongside unauthorised colonies and slums, faces a variety of problems


Saurav Gupta -May 22, 2024

Delhi Metro train services on all lines will start early so that the staff deployed for election duty can avail the facility
