Delhi to host a shopping festival in January next year

- July 6, 2022
| By : Patriot Bureau |

Delhi Shopping Festival to be hosted in the Capital from 28 January to 26 February next year

Photo: Pixabay

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced on Wednesday that the national capital will host “Delhi Shopping Festival’ from 28 January to 26 February next year

Apart from employment opportunities, the festival will focus on Delhi’s culture, food and shopping. There will be guests from all over the world, Kejriwal said.

He also said that there will be special packages on airlines and hotels for those who visit the city at the time.

The shopping festival has an outlay of Rs 250 crore and comes under Rozgar Budget.

He also stated that many artists across the globe will perform in over 200 concerts for 30 days.

Kejriwal emphasized that special food walks will be held that will see the participation of international restaurants and national restaurants because of Delhi’s food culture.

The festival will cater to audiences from every demographic. The markets and shops in the city will be decked up during the festival, the Chief Minister said in a digital briefing.


(With inputs from PTI)

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