Jal Board withdraws permission for Muslim employees to take work break during Ramzan

- April 5, 2022
| By : PTI |

Ramzan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar during which the followers of Islam fast from dawn to dusk, pray for peace and guidance, and give back to the community in the form of charity.

People offer Eid prayers at the Jama Masjid

Within hours of issuing a circular allowing its Muslim employees a two-hour break from work daily during Ramzan, the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) on Monday rescinded the directions after opposition from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

“The competent authority has accorded approval to allow short leave (of approx. two hours a day) by the concerned DDO/controlling officer to the Muslim employees during the days of Ramzan i.e., April 3 to May 2 or till the date of Idu’l fitr is declared, subject to the condition that they will accomplish their work during the remaining office hours so that the office work does not suffer,” the DJB circular read.

Latching on to it, Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta tweeted: “On the one hand, thousands of vends in Delhi have been distributing intoxication by giving 25 percent discount on liquor during Navratri.

On the other hand, Delhi Jal board employees have been given 2-hour off from work to offer Namaz during Ramzan. If this is not appeasement then what is?”
The utility said in the evening that the competent authority has decided to withdraw the circular with “immediate effect”.
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