CBSE warns schools against starting academic year before April 1, citing risk of student burnout

- March 18, 2023
| By : Patriot Bureau |

The warning by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) comes after several schools commenced their academic session

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a warning to schools about starting the academic year before April 1, as it may cause anxiety and burnout among students.

CBSE Secretary Anurag Tripathi stated in an official order that “Attempting to complete an entire year’s worth of course work in a reduced timeframe poses risks for students who may get overwhelmed and struggle to keep up with the pace of learning, leading to anxiety and burnout.”

The warning was issued after several schools began their academic sessions early, particularly for Classes 10 and 12. The CBSE noted that starting the academic session early does not give students enough time for extracurricular activities, which are just as important as academics, such as learning life skills, value education, health and physical education, work education, and community service.

“The principals and heads of institutions of the schools affiliated with the board are, therefore, advised to refrain from beginning academic sessions before the specified time and strictly follow the academic session from April 1 to March 31,” Tripathi said.

The CBSE is currently conducting board exams for Classes 10 and 12, which began on February 15 and will conclude on March 21 for Class 10 and April 5 for Class 12. (With inputs from PTI)