Health and Wellness

Judith Mariya Antony -June 9, 2022

India has witnessed a surge in the number of hysterectomies among young women. This is a cause for concern, for though the operation is regarded as a safe procedure, there are short-term and long-term risks


Judith Mariya Antony -May 31, 2022

According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey India, 2016-2017, there are almost 267 million tobacco users in India


Judith Mariya Antony -May 31, 2022

Around 43% of the Indian population is battling depression, according to a fitness magazine. Patriot talks with doctors to get an expert view of this alarming trend and get some guidance on how sufferers can seek medical help


Judith Mariya Antony -May 25, 2022

In India, consumption of marijuana for recreational purposes is considered deviant behaviour, and the person who smokes it is stigmatised. But 18 states of the US have already allowed such use, and more states will undoubtedly follow suit


Judith Mariya Antony -May 20, 2022

With the new fitness trends and challenges coming in, the love for running remained consistent. Runners clubs and other groups have tried to keep this interest alive among all age groups


Judith Mariya Antony -May 19, 2022

The capital has reported nearly hundred dengue cases this year, even as monsoon is yet to arrive. The climate conditions are conducive to mosquito breeding, putting Delhi at the risk of a dengue outbreak. Here are some tips about the symptoms, details about the disease and preventive measures that can be taken


Akshay Vashistha -May 11, 2022

Family planning in India, let alone in the national capital region, is not discussed with much ease. Considering how India is struggling with overpopulation, which is mounting increasing pressure on the already stressed and limited resources, the need to discuss subjects such as contraception, and sexual and reproductive rights becomes more necessary than ever


Shruty Yadav -April 30, 2022

The death of Sam, a neurodivergent trans student, yet again highlights the issues faced by the queer community in academia and at home. It also foregrounds the lack of safe spaces for sexual minorities.
