Delhi Heatwave

-July 5, 2024

BSES discoms’ substantial investment in resources since 2002 has resulted in a 135% increase in network capacity and doubled the distribution transformers among other gains, which have allowed them to meet the record demand this summer


-June 27, 2024

Central government agencies operating in the National Capital Region (NCR) have been instructed to plant 12,07,000 saplings, an increase of more than 91 per cent from the previous year


-June 27, 2024

Here are seven refreshing, hydrating fruits and vegetables to keep you cool and healthy during scorching summer days


-June 25, 2024

Delhi had been reeling from sweltering heat, recording nine heatwave days in June so far against none in 2023 and 2022


-June 24, 2024

Learn about the seven health benefits of consuming lemons, including their role in boosting immunity, aiding weight loss, enhancing skin health, and fighting cancer


-June 23, 2024

Atishi started the ‘Pani Satyagraha’ at Bhogal in south Delhi on Friday. She has claimed that Haryana has reduced Delhi’s share of Yamuna water to 513 million gallons per day (MGD) amid the persistent heat, affecting over 28 lakh people in the national capital.


-June 21, 2024

The Met office has predicted some relief from the searing heatwave in Delhi over the weekend as the sky is likely to remain partly cloudy on Saturday and Sunday


-June 20, 2024

Stay hydrated, wear light clothing, use sunscreen, avoid midday sun, seek shade, cool indoors, check on vulnerable, eat light, know heatstroke signs, acclimate to heat gradually.
