
MAYANK JAIN PARICHHA -December 8, 2020

Farmers from faraway states like Tamil Nadu are making their way to Delhi carrying their own sense of grievance against the government As farmers’ protest against farm reform laws continue, a steady trickle of farmers from southern states are joining the protesting farmers in Delhi. On 6 December, a group of farmers from Tamil Nadu […]


Sashikala VP -December 4, 2020

Others are wary of travellers from Delhi because of the high incidence of Covid-19, but the capital city seems to be taking it easy instead of clamping down on movement Covid numbers are still a cause for worry in the capital city, and cities in Maharashtra, Uttarakhand’s Dehradun and Uttar Pradesh are unsurprisingly shy away […]


The visuals of barricaded roads, water cannons, tear gas and online debates show Delhi under siege but behind the scenes, talks are going on that seem likely to lead to an impasse Farmers’ protests against three bills — The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 (FAPAFS), the Farmers […]


Mihir Srivastava -December 4, 2020

Stuck for over a year now, some Indians living abroad have not been able to come back home due to pandemic-related restrictions.  Thankfully, though, they are learning to bide their time 


Nabeel Ahmed -December 4, 2020

The banning of Chinese apps, call for ‘Make in India’ and Indian users’ desire to use ‘swadeshi’ seems to be fuelling the growth of new platforms that are yet to deliver on their promises


Proma Chakraborty -December 2, 2020

Vadehra Art Gallery’s FRIN/GE presents marginalised ideas that serve as foundational undercurrents for contemporary realities Featuring a total of 25 artworks across a wide range of all-encompassing media, from paintings, textile, programmimg codes and data to photographs and videos, Vadehra Art Gallery presents FRIN/GE. The show is curated by Shaleen Wadhwana, an independent arts educator […]


Sashikala VP -December 2, 2020

While 47,000 construction workers receive benefits in Delhi, AAP’s new doorstep delivery initiative was able to register only 200 applicants out of  2,000 requests


Mihir Srivastava -December 1, 2020

Work from home has redefined the way people practise their profession. For many, it’s a welcome change while others hate being confined to their homes Technology is transforming our lives. The whole process got a big fillip in the last few months because of the pandemic as we continue grappling with the ‘new normal’ in […]
