
-February 26, 2024

In addition to the impending tractor march, ongoing farmer protests have impacted traffic flow at the Singhu and Tikri border points between Delhi and Haryana


-January 14, 2024

Farmers on the Yamuna Khadar struggle to survive during the severe cold wave after authorities demolish their houses and standing crop


-March 20, 2023

“The Kisan Mahapanchayat is being held to press for a legal guarantee on the minimum support price (MSP),” the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, an umbrella body of farmer unions, said in a statement on Sunday


-October 30, 2022

Fed up with uncertain income from agriculture and heavy losses, farmers are giving their fields on lease to academies, coaches and corporates


-September 23, 2022

Some protesting farmers jumped over police barricades put up on the road during their protest


-July 19, 2022

Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) rejected the government’s panel on Minimum Support Price (MSP) on Tuesday on the grounds that it has “so-called” farmer leaders and corporate people as its members


-October 20, 2021

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday announced a compensation of Rs 50,000 per hectare to farmers whose crops have been damaged due to unseasonal rains. Speaking at a press briefing, he noted that revenue officials are conducting a survey of the damaged crops and it will be completed within two weeks. The compensation at […]


-October 4, 2018

Protesting farmers were not allowed to enter the capital this week. Whether this should be seen as a denial of their right to protest or an essential safeguard for the general public, remains debatable On the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who believed that protests based on the principle of non-violence can overthrow […]
