-March 28, 2022

Vadehra Art Gallery presents NS Harsha’s solo exhibition which portrays the image of our time as he explores the chaos and vulnerability with compassion and irony.


-February 2, 2022

When kites can’t fly Two brothers provide care for birds of prey when the hospitals refuse to treat them, against a backdrop of Delhi’s infamous pollution and political protests Shaunak Sen’s All That Breathes wins the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2022. The Delhi-based filmmaker’s first feature-length documentary Cities of Sleep (2016), showcased […]


-May 3, 2018

Pottery on two-wheels What: If you can cyle, here’s the chance to enjoy an experience of a lifetime. Free Soul Events is organising a ride through Kumhar Colony, India’s largest potter’s colony. Get an opportunity to spend time with the craftsmen as they take you through their daily lives. Learn to make your own creations […]
