
-February 8, 2022

As India still struggles with the stigma around infertility and unconventional methods of reproduction, the recently passed Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Regulated Bill brokers a dialogue on surrogacy and its impact.    The discussion surrounding surrogacy has resurfaced with celebrity couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcoming their first child through surrogacy. The news has […]


-May 31, 2018

This is a story that deserves a happy ending but for that, the apathy of society and the administration will have to be overcome. Will a mother’s cry be heard? This is a story of a mother who lost her daughter. It is not the first such story in the world, and definitely not the […]


-May 18, 2018

Now that she is a mother, who better than Kareena Kapoor Khan to be Unicef’s celebrity advocate for breast-feeding? Kareena Kapoor was no doubt chosen as a celebrity advocate by Unicef as the actor has a massive follower base within the country, especially among adolescents and youth in the age group of 13-29 years. She […]
