
-January 31, 2023

Spread over two days at multiple venues in Delhi, the event will not only have multi-disciplinary dance forms but music and poetry as well


-January 28, 2023

Pushpangathan’s latest body of work, ‘The Treasury of Tranquility’ echoes the peace and stillness of a childhood spent in the lap of nature


-January 27, 2023

The aim of the exhibition is to promote young and new upcoming artists, and represent diverse and rich culture of India through different colors


-January 25, 2023

Overall, the theme is based on her ability to display a balance of varying color palettes. The seamless transition from earthy to darker colors leaves room for the viewer’s interpretation


-January 24, 2023

The exhibition features artworks by artists – Joydip Acharjee, Sharad Sonkusale, Anil Thambaia and Narayan Biswas.


-January 23, 2023

The show features the works of some of the finest contemporary artists in our country – Arpita Singh, George Martin P J, K M Madhusudhanan, Muktinath Mondal, Parvathi Nayar, T V Santhosh and Zakkir Hussain


-January 14, 2023

The artists have used recycled materials to create art, their effort to make the world a sustainable and safe place


-January 13, 2023

Desmania has collaborated with Italian design houses Anyma Design and SPM Engineering – both known for their ideologies and philosophy
