
-October 17, 2023

Decline in demand for Dussehra effigies due to environmental concerns, rising cost of raw materials has made life tough for traditional artisans in Titarpur


-October 13, 2023

The Ramleela committees in the national capital are particularly jubilant as the Delhi government has granted permission for the use of loudspeakers until midnight during the 14-day event, covering both Ramleela and Durga Puja


-September 29, 2022

After a gap of two years, the city of Delhi is back with its traditional Ram Leelas in multiple venues of the national capital territory. The age-old theatrical representation of the Ramayan is not just bound to the great Hindu epic but is also a reminder of the city’s multi-cultural past


-September 20, 2022

After a gap of two years, Delhi is all geared up for the grandest Ramleelas that are to be staged in various parts of the capital for 10 straight days


-September 16, 2022

“Broadway Ramlila” is incredibly popular among young people due to its use of simple Hindi, epic music and stage design, spectacular costumes, breathtaking performances, and ability to condense the entire Ramayana story into a span of three hours
