
-June 11, 2023

Delhi has statues of many historical personalities that may interest world leaders like Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin and Rishi Sunak during the G-20 summit


-September 10, 2022

In the evening, Bose’s statue became the center of attraction. A total of 205 drones performed a series of 8 different shapes lasting 15 minutes.


-November 1, 2018

The tallest statue in the world — the Statue of Unity — was unveiled recently. Patriot revisits the making of the Statue of Liberty, which stands at half its size, but was the greatest engineering marvel of its time Earlier this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the gigantic statue of Sardar Patel on his […]


-March 8, 2018

The toppling of Lenin’s statue and the desecration of Periyar’s statue at Vellore provoke some angry thoughts and quite a few humourous digs at the mentality of those indulging in mindless destruction Dear Thambi, First of all, you might wonder who the hell I am. Well, let me introduce myself. I am the (recently promoted) […]
