
-January 21, 2023

Though Delhi government has announced fare hike for autorickshaws and taxis, the drivers see no hope as old concerns remain due to high cost of CNG and cut-throat competition


-September 26, 2022

However, the final decision will be made by the Delhi cabinet led by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal


-September 13, 2018

A two-wheeler taxi service exclusively for and by women is changing the lives of semi-skilled and unskilled women by making them financially independent Every morning, 19-year-old Noor wakes up, dons her pink uniform, puts on her helmet and rides off on her pink scooty for work. Rewinding to last year, she had no idea how […]


-April 13, 2018

India has a history of festivals spreading to different parts of the country either for greater cultural interaction or political mobilisation Mornings in a large part of the Hindi heartland often reverberate with chaupaiis (verses) of poet-saint Tulsidas’ Ramcharitmanas. In one of the most widely sung and popular verses, Tulsidas runs out of possible simile […]
