is like a supersmart assistant who knows exactly what your fans like: Co-founder

- January 5, 2024
| By : Tahir Bhat |

The tech startup, co-founded by former Twitter India head Manish Maheshwari, aims to leverage AI to help content creators and influencers earn higher, steadier income

FOUNDERS: Co-founders of (from left) Saurabh, Azim Lalani and Manish Maheshwari entered the digital content landscape in April, 2023, with a promise that has turned heads in the industry. Offering budding content creators and influencers a guaranteed hourly monetisation rate, the platform is breaking barriers, providing opportunities beyond what traditional social media platforms offer.

The platform boasts an impressive roster of over 650 creators, ranging from those with 1 lakh to 10 million followers. Actors like Sangram Singh, Anveshi Jain, Nikki Tamboli, Neha Malik, among others, have joined the platform, highlighting its growing popularity.

The tech startup was co-founded by Manish Maheshwari, Saurabh Kushwah and Azim Lalani in Noida.

In an interview with Patriot, Maheshwari, former head of prominent platform ‘X’ previously known as Twitter, shared insights into how is assisting budding content creators and influencers in navigating the world of monetisation.

Maheshwari lived for several years in Delhi and completed his undergraduate education from Shri Ram College of commerce at the University of Delhi. Additionally, he won the students’ body elections and served as president of the History and Political Science Society.

Excerpts from the Interview:

You’ve had an illustrious career, having led Twitter in India. What drove you to embark on this journey of empowering creators through

My journey to co-founding was motivated by a desire to address the challenges faced by creators in monetising their content. During my tenure at Twitter India, I observed first-hand the struggles of creators, especially those who weren’t in the top tier, to earn a predictable and sustainable income. This experience underscored the need for a platform that empowers creators of all levels to directly monetise their fanbase and maintain control over their craft. was envisioned as a solution to these challenges, offering creators a way to transform their passion into a viable profession, leveraging the power of AI to enhance their monetisation opportunities.

What inspired the creation of, and how does it set itself apart from other platforms in terms of monetisation opportunities for creators?

The creation of was inspired by the need to offer better monetisation opportunities to creators. It differentiates itself by leveraging AI to provide insights into fan preferences and behaviours, enabling more effective and personalised monetisation strategies. Unlike other platforms, focuses on direct monetisation, allowing creators to have full control over their content and financial interactions with fans, which is a significant advancement in the creator economy.

Could you explain how’s employment of AI technology enables it to offer higher hourly monetisation rates for creators and ensure a more stable income stream for them? uses advanced AI algorithms to optimise creator monetisation. It employs Reinforcement Learning for real-time pricing optimisation, Natural Language Processing and clustering algorithms for SuperFan identification, Convolutional Neural Networks for content analysis, and Generative AI for content creation assistance. Additionally, it utilises time-series forecasting for predictable income streams. These technologies enable higher and more stable monetisation rates for creators by dynamically adjusting strategies based on data-driven insights.

So, in simple words, uses AI to help creators make more money in a stable and smarter way. Think of it like having a super-smart assistant that knows exactly what fans like. This assistant helps creators make content that fans love, which means more fan engagement and more money. Plus, it gives smart tips on the best ways to earn, making sure creators have a steady flow of income. This way, creators can focus on what they do best — creating great content — while handles the smart business side of things.

How does empower creators by granting them more control over their content and community, distinguishing itself from conventional social media platforms?

Fanory acts as “Shopify for creators” and employs advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to maximise creators’ income predictably. First, it provides creators with a toolkit to build their own digital destination for their SuperFans. Second, through real-time pricing optimisation, SuperFan spending habit analytics, and live engagement metrics, Fanory enables creators to maximise their earnings per hour. Fanory’s coin-based ecosystem facilitates frictionless transactions with a single tap. As more data is accrued, the predictive accuracy of Fanory’s algorithms improves, creating a virtuous cycle of value creation and scalability.

In simpler words, empowers creators by providing them with a personal digital destination, fully controlled and managed by themselves. It acts like Shopify (a platform that allows people to start, run and grow businesses) for creators, equipping them with all necessary tools while offering complete control over their content and community. This approach allows creators to set their own rules, manage their digital assets, and foster a direct relationship with their fans, free from the constraints often found in traditional social media platforms. This autonomy in content and community management is what sets apart, giving creators the freedom and tools they need to succeed.

Can you provide examples of creators who have substantially benefitted from utilising’s platform for monetisation?

Creators like Anveshi Jain and Sangram Singh have notably benefitted from using’s platform. These creators have gained the ability to connect directly with their fans on their own terms. By utilising, they have more control over their content and the way they interact with their audience, leading to a more personalised and authentic engagement, thereby enhancing their monetisation opportunities. This direct connection with fans is a significant advantage that offers to creators. significantly boosts monetisation for creators. An average creator with 100K followers can earn $54 per hour on, surpassing earnings from platforms like Instagram ($22), Twitch ($16), YouTube ($15), and Spotify ($4). This demonstrates’s superior capability in leveraging AI to enhance creator income.

Launched in April 2023, the platform has onboarded over 650 creators, each having a follower base ranging from 100,000 to 10 million, including popular names such as Sangram Singh, Anveshi Jain, Nikki Tamboli, Neha Malik, among others.

INSPIRATION: Manish Maheshwari said he observed the struggles that content creators outside the top rung had to go through which led him to start

What were the major challenges encountered when establishing as pioneer in the creator economy, particularly integrating AI into the platform?

Establishing in the creator economy, especially with AI integration, involved significant challenges. Key among these was ensuring the AI system could effectively analyse and understand creator-audience dynamics, tailoring content and monetisation strategies to individual creator needs, and maintaining a user-friendly interface. Additionally, staying ahead of the rapidly evolving tech landscape and addressing any privacy concerns were crucial. These hurdles were navigated to create a platform that offers unique, AI-driven solutions for creators.

How does envision its role within the evolving landscape of the creator economy and its potential impact on shaping this industry?

Its role is to provide creators with advanced tools and insights that enhance content personalisation and audience engagement, thereby shaping the industry towards a more direct and effective creator-fan relationship. aims to be at the forefront of this transformation, empowering creators with AI-driven solutions that maximise their creative and economic potential. is leveraging AI. It addresses a significant challenge in the content creation landscape: the unpredictability and often low income for mid- and small-size creators. By integrating AI tools into Pricing Optimisation, Superfan Visibility, Content Insights, and Creation Assistance, offers creators, especially those with mid-sized followings, a reliable and enhanced monetisation path.

By transforming creators into entrepreneurs, represents a significant step forward in utilising AI to enhance the financial stability and creative freedom of content creators.

Could you elaborate on the coin-based ecosystem within and how it streamlines transactions between superfans and creators, ensuring efficiency and security?

The coin-based ecosystem in facilitates efficient and secure transactions between creators and their superfans. This system streamlines the process of monetisation by providing a unified medium of exchange within the platform. It simplifies transactions, ensuring that creators can easily monetise their content and engage with their audience, while superfans gain a seamless way to support and interact with their favourite creators. This approach also enhances security and efficiency in financial dealings within the community.