Posts by: Mohd Shehwaaz Khan

Mohd Shehwaaz Khan is a journalist based in New Delhi. He won Laadli Media Award 2023 for best feature in print

-February 12, 2024

During Shahjahan’s era, the bazaar specialised in luxury goods, including Silk, Brocades, Velvets, Gold and Silverware, as well as jewellery and gems, catering to the imperial households


-February 8, 2024

The posh South Delhi locality has been home to a galaxy of Bollywood stars, artists and performers. Renowned figures like former Doordarshan news anchor Salma Sultan, notable artists MF Hussain and Ram Kumar ensured that their neighbourhood became a confluence of various cultures


-February 6, 2024

How protecting Intellectual Property has become imperative for every business owner with a unique idea; however, only the big brands can afford registering them for copyright


-February 4, 2024

The traditional pheran is long one, below the knees, but modern variations of it are shorter and smarter. The patterns, fittings and features have evolved according to new styles but the embroidery and intricate design still remains the same because pherans are known for them


-January 31, 2024

British music composer Talvin Singh, whose concert on January 31 will inaugurate the India Art Fair, says that he wants to take Delhi a notch up in the recording industry


-January 30, 2024

After a successful run of eight years, Bharat Parv was an extended celebration at Red Fort’s doorstep this time, with unique initiatives transcending boundaries and leaving visitors enthralled


-January 30, 2024

While traditional education have dictated how children are taught, alternative schools are emerging as catalysts for much-needed change


-January 16, 2024

Chandni Chowk resident who once saved Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru from fire is a disappointed octogenarian now after failing to get promotions and incentives he was promised
