Sashikala VP

Posts by: Sashikala VP

Sashikala VP -June 5, 2020

The yearning for exotic cuisine during the lockdown meant such dishes had to be rustled up in one’s own kitchen. When eating out at restaurants becomes safe, a habit of eagerly scanning delivery apps will no doubt be revived — with a vengeance   For quite some time, browsing Zomato was my bedtime story, scanning what […]


Sashikala VP -June 5, 2020

Amid widespread concern that the chargesheets lean too heavily on one community, the Special Investigation Team has added some Hindu names. But the chances of a free and fair trial seem dim The communal riots which took place on 23 -26 February in Delhi’s North-east district saw 53 killed. The 51 identified casualties were 34 […]


Sashikala VP -May 29, 2020

Discrimination against the North-eastern community might worsen once the lockdown is over, as people who don’t know their geography think they come from the land of the Wuhan virus With people locked indoors, there were fewer opportunities for racial discrimination against persons from the North-east in Delhi over the last two months. But when people […]


Sashikala VP -May 29, 2020

If Metro allows only 50 passengers per coach, the ride may become more pleasant. But the risk of infection may push Delhi commuters to prefer their own vehicles, whether it is two-wheelers, three-wheelers or second-hand cars What is the everyday commute for Delhi’s workforce going to look like after lockdown is completely lifted? This conundrum […]


Sashikala VP -May 22, 2020

If urban professionals earning above Rs 50,000 a month are lower middle class, how should we categorise those below this level? The finance minister would perhaps call themselves poor It was quite a shocker when Union Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman called those in the income bracket Rs 6-18 lakh per year as those in […]


Sashikala VP -May 22, 2020

Delhi continues to be one of the metropolises of India which have a high rate of contamination. Lifting of restrictions, though necessary, may lead to further spikes The Coronavirus is continuing its rampage in Delhi. The number of new positive cases in India’s capital, according to the Delhi State Health Bulletin, was 660 on 22 May. […]


Sashikala VP -May 16, 2020

Far from looking after the interests of their vast  workforce, states like UP and Gujarat seem to be exploiting their desperation by doing away with their right to decent, regular employment  Uttar Pradesh government’s decision to suspend all labour laws, except three, for three years has come as a shocker. The stated intent is to […]


Sashikala VP -May 8, 2020

As if damage done by the virus is not bad enough, Delhi has to gear up for its seasonal vector-borne diseases, as the weather is not hot enough to make mosquitoes disappear and water may be stagnating in outdooor areas while citizens are in lockdown The few times one does step out to buy groceries […]
