The Delhi Police revealed on Tuesday that a Class-12 student, recently detained for allegedly sending bomb threats to over 400 schools in the city, has connections to an NGO that supports a political party.
According to a police officer, the investigation also uncovered that the NGO had previously expressed support for Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.
Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), Madhup Tewari, stated during a press conference at the police headquarters, “We were tracking e-mails, but due to the use of a virtual private network (VPN), it was challenging to trace their origins. We also had to determine whether there was a terror-related angle involved”.
Also Read: Exclusive: Over 200 Delhi schools targeted as hoax bomb threats escalate
He further explained that the VPN use hindered service providers from assisting the police effectively.
“After recent e-mails on January 8, our teams traced the minor. Since the sender was a juvenile, we seized his laptop and mobile phone for forensic analysis,” the officer added.
Delhi Police teams linked the juvenile to 400 threat e-mails and investigated his father’s background, discovering that he worked for an NGO affiliated with a civil society group. This group had raised concerns about Afzal Guru’s execution and was also involved in supporting a political party.
Without disclosing the name of the political party, the officer stated that the matter is under further investigation.
(With inputs from PTI)