When walls tell stories: Delhi through its art murals

- June 3, 2022
| By : Patriot Bureau |

What is similar between the streets of Brooklyn and those in Delhi? The answer lies in the murals painted on the walls of the the last housing colony built by the British: South Delhi’s Lodhi Colony

A painted wall of a house in the British quarters/ All photos: Shruty Yadav

The Lodhi Art District is easily accessible from Jor Bagh Metro station. Since it was first painted in 2015, it has become a hotbed for street artists in the capital. Patriot takes a look at the  murals which resonate with the evolution of the national capital. 

Besides the artists’ aesthetic touch, the area boasts of several pretty trees and Anglican quarters. A panorama of painted walls welcomes visitors. The walls embrace murals painted by Indian as well as international artists who were invited to work on them by the St+Art India Foundation. 

‘Climate change 05’

One of the murals, titled ‘Climate change 05’, reflects on the water crisis in the capital and the dire condition of the Yamuna. Painted by Italian artist Andreco, the mural intends to keep the focus of environment- conscious Delhiites on the plight of the water body.

The second mural, titled ‘The light fort’, is painted by Japanese artist Yoh Nagao, and attempts to transform this particular block of the colony into a fort. ALSO READ: Graffiti goes legit 

According to the foundation, he has tried to bring together Indo-Japanese elements to create a space of harmony and togetherness. The wall contains elements of the Indian goddess Lakshmi and some from the Japanese Ainu tribe.

‘The light fort’ at the Lodhi art district

Next, there’s ‘The tourist’, painted by Avinash and Kamesh. The Gujarati duo painted these walls as a mirror to people’s obsession with selfies. They noticed how several people visiting the Art District kept clicking their photographs in front of the walls. This trend in itself became the inspiration behind the duo’s art.

‘The tourist’

There are also other murals that define Delhi and speak directly to the residents of the city. Some of such other works include ‘Diliwale’ by the famous Padma Shree Gond artist Bhajju Shyam. ALSO READ: Gond redefined 

Then there are the ‘13 letters for Lodhi’, ‘Delhi’ by NeSpoon, and ‘We love Dilli’ by Lek & Sowat and Hanif Kureshi. 

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