Gopal Rai urges agencies to prepare development action plans for Delhi villages by June 15

- June 12, 2024
| By : Patriot Bureau |

While addressing a press conference, Rai said that the city government has made a provision of Rs 900 crore for the development of urbanised and rural villages in Delhi

Gopal Rai / Photo: Twitter

Delhi Minister Gopal Rai on Wednesday announced that relevant agencies have been given a deadline of June 15 to finalise their action plans for developing villages in the national capital.

Speaking at a press conference, Rai highlighted that for the first time, the city government has allocated Rs 900 crore for the development of both urbanized and rural villages in Delhi.

He emphasised the government’s proactive approach, stating, “We have initiated preparations at an accelerated pace for the development of these villages.”

Rai mentioned, “We held a meeting with various agencies on Wednesday, prioritizing the development of village roads.”

He also noted, “A board meeting was held before the implementation of the model code of conduct in Delhi, where MLAs from different assemblies presented a total of 1,387 proposals. The board approved all 1,387 proposals.”

During the meeting, agencies were instructed to adhere to the June 15 deadline, he added.

“We have until October to implement the work, as the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) will be enforced in Delhi from around November 4 or 5, lasting until December,” Rai explained.

“Following that, the model code of conduct for the state assembly elections will take effect in January. Considering this, we have given all agencies a June 15 timeline to prepare a comprehensive action plan,” he concluded.