delhi heat

Tanisha Saxena -May 6, 2024

Facilities for labourers at most sites in Delhi-NCR are minimal lacking even basics like cool water, toilets and safety measures; the toil has forced some workers to return to their hometowns


Patriot Bureau -May 5, 2024

According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) at 9 am, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in the national capital stood at 302, categorizing it as “poor”


Patriot Bureau -April 29, 2024

Clear skies are forecasted for the capital in the coming days, accompanied by surface winds with speeds ranging from 30 to 40 kilometres per hour during daytime hours


Idrees Bukhtiyar -March 17, 2024

Patriot spoke to Dr Chandni Jain Gupta, Dermatologist at Elantis Healthcare to learn about summer skincare


Mohsina Malik -June 9, 2023

Labourers, semi-skilled workers and street vendors are struggling to work and earn in the burning furnace of Delhi


Patriot Bureau -April 12, 2023

The city recorded a maximum of 36.8 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, the highest this summer season so far


SA Sneha -June 11, 2022

As summer days in Delhi become unbearable for many, people have started visiting popular ‘cool’ spots like parks, and even the Delhi Metro, to beat the scorching heat
