
Sashikala VP -April 20, 2018

While experts feel the ‘Rape Capital’ tag given by the media to Delhi is unfair, it seems to be true that most predators work in private spaces like homes, not in the public sphere In Delhi, from 2017 to March 31, 2018, approximately 3.75 per cent rapes were committed by strangers while almost 96.5 per […]


Abid Shah -April 6, 2018

Shuffling the leaders’ deck and betting on the young, Rahul Gandhi is moving to revamp the party ahead of 2019 elections Somehow, the Congress now appears to be on a fast, brisk and neoteric run. A change of personae in the party that started alongside the Gujarat elections, catapulting Rahul Gandhi to the top, has, […]


Sashikala VP -April 6, 2018

Instead of getting their ears blasted by loud music at a bar, Delhi-NCR audiences are warming up to stand-up comics with their risqué jokes A city that laughs together stays together. No wonder, stand-up comedy is replacing Parliament sessions as a mode of entertainment. Papa CJ – winner of Asia’s best stand-up comedian award in […]


Mihir Srivastava -April 6, 2018

Why Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal is on an apology spree, tendering amende honourable to many of those who slapped defamation cases on him There’s a joke going viral on social media: the new spelling of apology is ‘AAP-OLOGY’ – the pun is at the expense of Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) […]


Mihir Srivastava -April 6, 2018

Reacting to traders holding the city to ransom while protesting against the recent sealing drive, the apex court observed, “Is there a rule of law?”   There’s great inertia in Delhi to implement reforms. Some hidden forces seem to guide the government. The multiplicity of agencies, the three tiers of government, have recently been at […]


Mihir Srivastava -April 6, 2018

Sandbags, bunkers and overwhelming presence of armed constabulary gives the impressing that Delhi’s a police state. But it’s not easy to secure a city of Delhi’s proportions and complexities A denizen of Delhi, irrespective of his or her social status, cannot miss one fundamental fact of existence: the ominous presence of security forces with guns […]


Sashikala VP -March 23, 2018

‘Be quiet and stand in a corner!’ the Centre seems to be telling those who want to be in the vicinity of Parliament to raise issues their MPs don’t care about Some say angrily that it is an “undeclared emergency,” a strangling of democracy. Others say it is an attempt to silence dissent, to “thwart […]


AMIT BHARDWAJ -March 8, 2018

Showing a ‘united front’, the two are gearing up to take on AAP in Delhi 2018 has not been a good start for AAP — considering that it is again circled by controversy — but things are looking up for another party, the Congress. While the national capital’s AAP government grappled with Delhi chief secretary […]
