

People of the Lakkarpur- khori village face a difficult time after the Faridabad Municipal Corporation demolished around 300 illegal  houses rendering the residents homeless  Amid the surging cases of Covid- 19 pandemic and rising temperatures, hundreds of families have been rendered homeless as the Faridabad Municipal Corporation demolished as many as 300 illegal construction in […]


Mihir Srivastava -April 12, 2021

Hemant Bhardwaj by his indefatigable energy and innovative initiatives has transformed his locality in Ghaziabad Hemant Bhardwaj, a resident of Ghaziabad, blessed with indefatigable energy turned 60 a couple of months ago. He has transformed the area he lives in by making cooking gas out of a filthy drain that passes nearby his house in […]


MAYANK JAIN PARICHHA -February 15, 2021

For workers residing in different cities of NCR, commuting to Delhi can be an uphill task made worse by the added burden of waiting for metro-feeder buses and suburban trains to restart operations   Delhi, a city known for its harsh winters and even harsher summers is not an easy place to work, especially for […]


MAYANK JAIN PARICHHA -December 21, 2020

Scarcity of potable water is the price being paid for rapid urbanisation and industrial development in Delhi’s satellite city In the last couple of decades, Ghaziabad has witnessed rapid development. The housing boom coupled with the development of industries and job creation ensured that the city grew under the shadow of the National Capital. But […]


Shubham Bhatia -July 19, 2018

The store ‘Chapter 101’ is as rare in today’s world as the books it holds, bought from unlikely places by a collector who doesn’t mind if you don’t buy anything. Imagine going shopping in a glitzy mall, stepping into shiny glass showrooms and then suddenly coming across a heavy wooden door which says ‘Chapter 101’. […]
