The police subsequently arrested three individuals, identified as Durgesh Kumar (18), Pawan Kumar (21), and Pravesh (18), with Durgesh being implicated in two separate theft cases. A juvenile was also apprehended in connection with the crime
[…]A video of the incident that took place in the outer-north Delhi area surfaced on social media on Monday showing a man clinging to the bonnet of a moving car
[…]The accused identified as Vinod Kashyap, was running a place called Mata Masani Chowki Darbar in the Kakrola area of Delhi
[…]Two men were murdered in a clash that broke out between two groups in northwest Delhi’s Ashok Vihar
[…]The incident took place around 3 pm on Sunday when the woman was going from Humayun’s Tomb to the Hungarian embassy, police said
[…]Initial inquiry suggested that a portion of the structure collapsed on the man, who was later identified as Chandan, police said
[…]Law enforcement revealed that one of the accused had crafted Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and subsequently tested them in various locations in Delhi, Rajasthan, and Haldwani in Uttarakhand
[…]Mayur Vihar police station received information from LBS hospital regarding sexual assault of a minor girl on Wednesday, a senior police officer said