-June 26, 2024

This exhibition will showcase artworks from 10 artists, five from Korea and five from India. The display will include paintings, Korean ink-and-wash paintings, sculptures, and media works


-June 22, 2024

The exhibition will showcase a variety of art forms including paintings, digital artworks, photography, and mixed media creations


-June 20, 2024

The exhibition hosting at the Visual Art Gallery India Habitat Centre in New Delhi will be on display from June 27


-June 12, 2024

The exhibition runs until July 14, 2024. Visitors can immerse themselves in the world of Bollywood cinema through J H Thakker’s lens


-June 2, 2024

Through flowers, artist Monami enters into the beauty and mysticism of nature. She says, ‘the light and shade of flower attracts me very much’


-May 9, 2024

Each artist brings their unique perspective and artistic vision to the fore, offering viewers a glimpse into the diverse and vibrant landscape of Indian abstraction


-May 7, 2024

Printmaking, as an art form, is often underexplored within contemporary discourse. Despite its intricacies and dedicated practitioners, printmaking remains undervalued in comparison to other mediums


-April 13, 2024

In the inaugural chapter of the exchange, Indian delegates had gone to Philippines where Manila unfurled its vibrant tapestry in February 2023, at the World Trade Centre where the exhibition took place
